Blackinton Custom Badge B297 - Quick Ship

Blackinton Custom Badge B297 – Quick Ship


  • Availability:
    Special Order
    Estimated Ship Time:
    This item is Special Order & ships within 10-15 business days.
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Product Description

Dimensions: 1 5/8″” x 1 1/8″” This is a Blackinton Quick-Ship Custom Badge Blackinton Quick-Ship badges will be shipped to you within 2 weeks! This badge qualifies for Blackinton’s Quick Ship Custom Badge Program when customized with the following options: Finishes: Nickel, Gold Plate or Rhodium Attachments: Safety Catch or Wallet Clip Seals: Stock seals only. Any new seal or seal needing special customization may not qualify Text Style: Roman or Block Enamel Color: Blue, Black or Red regular enamel Other Finishes Available for this product 2 other finishes available for this product to that would ship within 6 weeks. Hi-Glo and Rho-Glo finishes are available for this product and come with a Lifetime Warranty on the finish from Blackinton. Other custom styles are also available. Call for a full color catalog at 800-352-2555. Restricted Product Authentication is required to purchase this product. We will not be able to process your order without authentication. After submitting your order, send a copy of your official picture identification card via fax or mail to: Toll-Free Fax: (812) 424-5961, ATTN: Restricted Product Mail: Siegel’s Uniforms, Customer Service, ATTN: Restricted Product, 101 SE 4th St, Evansville, IN 47708 If we have not received your authorization within 10 business days of the date you placed your order, then we will cancel your order.